Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
Global Summit on Neonatology & Clinical Pediatrics, will be organized around the theme “Recent Advances and Future Directions in Pediatrics”
Global Pediatric summit 2020 is comprised of 34 tracks and 196 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Global Pediatric summit 2020.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
<p justify;\"="" style="text-align: justify;">Pediatric Pharmacology involves the gathering of clinical pharmacology information, such as information regarding the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics properties of a product pertaining to dose selection and individualization. This guidance and approach help in obtaining the considerations for conducting studies so that the accurate dosing and information for drugs and biologic products in pediatric populations can be sufficiently characterized, leading to well-designed trials to evaluate safety and effectiveness. Significant advancements have been made in pediatric therapeutics over the last few years to truly benefit from the pharmacological research efforts and translate them into dosing recommendations that are evaluated in an adequately powered randomized clinical trial manner.
Neonatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the care, development, and diseases of new-born infants. Sometimes babies are born before their bodies are ready to leave the womb. Important organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach, and skin may not be mature enough to function without special help. Although pediatrician can take care of most medical issues of babies, a Neonatologist is trained particularly to deal with the most complicated and high-risk conditions.
<span 13.5pt;="" line-height:="" 107%;="" font-family:="" "times="" new="" roman",="" serif;\"="">Pediatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the wellbeing and health care of infants, children and adolescents from birth up to the age of 18. The purposes of the study of pediatrics is to moderate new-born and infant rate of deaths, regulate the spread of infectious disease, promote healthy lifestyles for a prolonged disease-free life and aid to ease the complications of children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Pediatricians diagnose and treat numerous conditions among children and also involved with the prevention, early detection, and management of problems that occur in children
- Track 3-1Toxicology in Children
- Track 3-2Bicycle injuries
- Track 3-3Twin to Twin Transfusion
- Track 3-4Antibiotics
- Track 3-5Antibiotics
About one in every 100 children has a heart problem. Many different types of heart problems can affect children. They include congenital heart defects, viral infections that affect the heart, and even heart disease acquired later in childhood due to illnesses or genetic syndromes. The treatment for child’s heart defect will depend on the cause of the problem. Most heart defects resolve by themselves over time, and some can be fixed with medicine.
Renal disease is one of the major reasons for mortality. Pediatric patients with renal infection, particularly younger ones may give nonspecific signs and symptoms random to the urinary tract. Pediatric Nephrology specializes in the diagnosis and management of kids with a variety of acute and chronic kidney related diseases.
Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty of surgery including the surgery of fetuses, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Some pediatric diseases require surgery such as congenital malformations, abdominal wall defects, chest wall deformities, childhood tumors, Separation of conjoined twins etc.,
Inappropriate function of any part of brain will be considered as neurological disorder which leads to developmental problems in children. The symptoms of the neurological disorders may be physical as well as psychological. Such disorders can be evaluated through different diagnostic techniques.
Cancer in children can occur anywhere in the body, including the blood and lymph node system, brain and spinal cord, kidneys, and other organs and tissues. Cancer can be malignant or benign. A malignant cancer tumor will grow in one place and can spreads to other parts of the body. A benign tumor can grow but will not spread to any other parts.
The endocrine system in children helps to maintain all metabolic functions of their body and releases hormones which play an important role for their proper growth and development. Pediatric endocrinologists treat children with different hormonal problems such as growth, puberty, diabetes, thyroid, obesity and sexual development. These endocrine disorders and hormonal problems can have significant effects on a child’s physical and emotional well-being.
During the first six months after delivery, the baby is fed only on breast milk, and the baby depends on the mother for all nutrient requirements. Breast milks consist of all the essential nutrients that are not found in any other supplements. Breast feeding is best for the healthy growth and development of growing infants and is has a number of health benefits to both mother and baby.
<span 13.5pt;="" line-height:="" 107%;="" font-family:="" "times="" new="" roman",="" serif;\"="">Pediatric essential medicinal services incorporates wellbeing administration and preventive direction; observing physical growth and development; age-appropriate screening; diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic sicknesses; Management of genuine and life threatening diseases in pediatrics. A primary care doctor is normally the first medical physician reached by a patient on account of reasons, for example, eases of communication, available area, and progressively issues of cost and care requirements
Public health Pediatrics deals with poverty and child health, early brain and child development, obesity, mental health and local public health initiatives. Ensuring ideal health for children requires a population-based approach and association between pediatrics and public health. The incorporation of clinical practice with public health actions is essential for multiple levels of disease prevention that involve the child, family, and community
Pediatric nurses work with patients from infancy to young adulthood, giving developmental screenings, immunizations, and treating common illnesses like chicken pox and tonsillitis. Pediatric nurses will teach the parents how to prevent childhood diseases, proper nutrition and diet for the growth and development of their child.
<p justify;\"="" style="text-align: justify;"> Nutrition in first 1000 days life is essential for the immune system development and wellbeing of the child. Pediatric obesity is a predominant nutritional disorder in children and adolescents worldwide mainly in developed countries. Childhood obesity leads to many other health problems in children such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, liver and kidney diseases. There are different factors responsible for the cause of obesity in children such as eating habits, genetics, Hormonal causes, environment, metabolism, and lifestyle.
Bacterial, viral, parasitic or fungal infections are all types of infectious diseases that can make children sick. These illnesses need to be treated by specialists who are committed to preventing and treating acute and chronic infectious diseases including HIV and AIDS. Pediatric infectious disease specialists are expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in children.
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Allergy and asthma is the most common among the health effects that occur in children. Some of the common allergies observed in children are food allergies, hay fever, sneezing, cough, itching, nausea, stomach ache, fatigue, and headache. Allergies can be controlled by medical treatment and through early immunizations. Initial injection of vaccines and continuation up to 3-5 years will help to increase immunity against different allergies in Pediatrics.
Neonatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the care, development, and diseases of new-born infants. Sometimes babies are born before their bodies are ready to leave the womb. Important organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach, and skin may not be mature enough to function without special help. Although pediatrician can take care of most medical issues of babies, a Neonatologist is trained particularly to deal with the most complicated and high-risk conditions.
- Track 17-1Internal parental Nutrition
- Track 17-2Newborn screening
- Track 17-3Pediatric pulmonology
- Track 17-4Neonatal sepsis
- Track 17-5Neonatal care
- Track 17-6Neonatal Intensive care
- Track 17-7Abnormalities in Children
- Track 17-8Genetic Disorders in children
- Track 17-9Molecular cellular disorders
Perinatology is a narrow field of obstetrics that mainly focuses on the difficulties faced by the mother and fetus at higher-than-normal danger. Since the perinatal period, begins at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after birth as per the definition, perinatology sensibly could be a subspecialty under obstetrical and pediatric care. perinatology includes managing the embryo and the complicated health conditions during gestation period.
- Track 18-1Low birth Weight
- Track 18-2Birth Asphyxia
- Track 18-3Ultrasound in Perinatology
- Track 18-4Maternal and Fetal Health
- Track 18-5Cleft lip & Palate
- Track 18-6Breech Birth
- Track 18-7Amniotic Band Syndrome
- Track 18-8Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Track 18-9Fetal Monitoring
- Track 18-10Advanced Life Support in Obestrics
- Track 18-11Telemedicine
- Track 18-12Maple Syrup Urine Disease
- Track 18-13OB Pharmacopoeia
- Track 18-14Somatic Cell Therapy
- Track 18-15Genetics
- Track 18-16Glomerulonephritis
- Track 18-17Cell Metabolism
- Track 18-18Twin-to-twin Transfusion
Pediatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the wellbeing and health care of infants, children and adolescents from birth up to the age of 18. The purposes of the study of pediatrics is to moderate new-born and infant rate of deaths, regulate the spread of infectious disease, promote healthy lifestyles for a prolonged disease-free life and aid to ease the complications of children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Pediatricians diagnose and treat numerous conditions among children and also involved with the prevention, early detection, and management of problems that occur in children.
- Track 19-1General Pediatrics
- Track 19-2Birth Defects
- Track 19-3Toxicology in Children
- Track 19-4Genetic Disorders in Children
- Track 19-5Genetic Disorders in Children
- Track 19-6Twin-to-twin transfusion
- Track 19-7Antibiotics
- Track 19-8Molecular Cellular Pediatrics
- Track 19-9Bicycle Injuries
- Track 19-10Childhood Obesity
- Track 19-11Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine
- Track 19-12Managing Hypertension
- Track 19-13New Combination Vaccines
- Track 19-14New Diabetes Treatment
- Track 19-15Pediatric Emergencies
- Track 19-16Resident Education
Pediatric Cardiology represents heart diseases in children. It is comprised of congenital and acquired heart diseases. Neonatal Cardiology is handled by pediatricians as well as neonatologists requiring practical supervision on the valuation and administration of infants with coronary illness and other cardiovascular practical dissimilarities from the average. Neonatal Cardiology unlocks with discussions of vital parts of Embryology of the heart and a review of ordinary and unusual muscle function. Concentrating on physiology, and introduction of inborn coronary illness, this asset gives a compact, yet entire review of neonatal cardiology. The diagnosis involves effective medical and surgical therapies. Cardiac malformations are one of the major new born birth defects which affect the infant mortality rate. This subtopic is a combined study of surgery such as thoracic surgery and/or vascular surgery and called cardiovascular/ cardiothoracic/cardiovascular thoracic surgery.
- Track 20-1Heart Surgery
- Track 20-2Heart defects in Children
- Track 20-3Congenital Heart Disease
- Track 20-4Pediatric Infective Pericarditis
- Track 20-5Pediatrics Rheumatic Heart Diseases
- Track 20-6Perinatal and childhood stroke
- Track 20-7Congenital Heart Disease
- Track 20-8Children with Heart Murmurs
- Track 20-9Pediatric Cardiac Transplantation
- Track 20-10Endocardial and Myocardial disease
- Track 20-11Genetic Heart Disease
- Track 20-12Hypertension
- Track 20-13Pericardial Disease
Neonatal urology is a surgical subspecialty of drug dealing with the disorders of infant’s Genitourinary Systems. Neonatal urologists give care to both young boys and young girls going from birth to early grown-up age. The most widely known issues are those including issue of urination, reproductive organs and testicles. It is common for children to have disorders of urinary tract such as kidney, ureters, urethra and bladder. These problems can be small or serious. In case of serious condition, then one should need a specialist in nephrology and urology. Few conditions of nephrology and urology to be diagnosed are abnormalities in urine, bedwetting, acid base disorders, hypertension, acute and chronic kidney failure, high blood pressure, cancer of urinary and genital systems, bladder exstrophy, renal insufficiency, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, torsion of the testicles, inherited kidney diseases and neurogenic bowel. It can also provide pediatric patients with end stage kidney diseases and follow up care after kidney transplantation. Renal disease is one of the major reasons for mortality. Pediatric patients with renal infection, particularly younger ones may give nonspecific signs and symptoms random to the urinary tract. Pediatric Nephrology specializes in the diagnosis and management of kids with a variety of acute and chronic kidney related diseases.
- Track 21-1Bedwetting
- Track 21-2Haematuria
- Track 21-3Proteinuria
- Track 21-4Urolithiasis
- Track 21-5Renal Tubular Acidosis
- Track 21-6Hereditary Nephrotic Syndrome
- Track 21-7Steroid Resistance Nephrotic Syndrome
- Track 21-8Kidney Failure
- Track 21-9Bladder Exstrophy
- Track 21-10Kidney Stones
- Track 21-11Dialysis
- Track 21-12Torsion of the Testicle
- Track 21-13Urinary Tract Infections
- Track 21-14Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure
- Track 21-15Cancer of the Urinary and Genital Systems
Neonatal specialists are medicinal specialists who work on newborns. The education and training to end up normally a neonatal specialist can take up to 19 years. The forthcoming neonatal specialists must finish a general surgery residency, followed by a 2-year pediatric training program. Neonatal specialists work in private practice and at college and private healing centers. Pediatric surgeries usually include abnormalities of groin such as hernia, hydrocele, undescended testes, surgical care of tumors, endoscopic procedures, transplantation procedures, serious injuries which require surgeries etc. pediatric oncology, pediatric urology, neonatal surgery are the three subspecialties of pediatric surgery.
- Track 22-1Diagnose and Surgery
- Track 22-2Pediatric Surgical Nursing
- Track 22-3Pediatric Surgical Emergencies
- Track 22-4Pectus Excavatum
- Track 22-5Separation of Conjoined Twins
- Track 22-6Pediatric Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Track 22-7Diagnose and Surgery
- Track 22-8Fetal Surgery
- Track 22-9Congenital Malformations
- Track 22-10 Abdominal wall Defects
- Track 22-11Childhood Tumors
- Track 22-12Pancreas Transplantation
- Track 22-13Pediatric Obesity Surgery Empyema
- Track 22-14Separation of Conjoined Twins
- Track 22-15Cardio Thoracic Surgery
Pediatric Neurology is a specialized branch in medicine which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases in newborns (Neonates), infants, children and adolescents. The topic Pediatric Neurology includes all diseases and disorders related to spinal cord, autonomic nervous system, peripheral system, brain, muscles and blood vessels which affect individuals of small age groups. Types of conditions to encounter in pediatric neurology are genetic diseases related to nervous system, childhood epilepsy, febrile seizures, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, hyper activity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, migraine, head injuries, sleep disorders, intellectual disability etc. following studies are required to diagnose the neurological conditions: electro cortical mapping, EEG, EMG, multiple sleep latency testing, nerve conduction study etc.
- Track 23-1Peripheral Neuropathies
- Track 23-2Epilepsy in Children
- Track 23-3Mitochondrial Diseases
- Track 23-4Congenital Malformations
- Track 23-5Cerebral Palsy
- Track 23-6Chromosomopathies
- Track 23-7Neuro Psycho Therapy
- Track 23-8Psychological Disorder
- Track 23-9Counseling Psychology
- Track 23-10Adolescent Clinical Psychology
Neonatal Cancer is rare and contains a heterogeneous gathering of Neoplasms with substantial histological differences. All kinds of pediatric cancer can happen in babies and neonates, the outline and conduct of Neonatal Tumors frequently varies from that in more established youngsters, prompting differences in determination and supervision. The reasons for neonatal disease are uncertain, yet hereditary factors most likely have a key part.
- Track 24-1Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Track 24-2Retinoblastoma
- Track 24-3Neuroblastoma
- Track 24-4Wilms Tumor
- Track 24-5Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Track 24-6Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Track 24-7Lymphomas
- Track 24-8Germ Cell Tumors
- Track 24-9Radiographic Technologies
- Track 24-10Radiographic Technologies
- Track 24-11Pediatric Imaging
- Track 24-12Pediatric Brain Tumors
- Track 24-13Pediatric Osteosarcoma
- Track 24-14Pediatric Lymphomas
- Track 24-15Transfusion Medicine
- Track 24-16Palliative Care
- Track 24-17Pediatric Leukemias
- Track 24-18Hepatoblastoma
- Track 24-19Pediatric Neuroblastoma
- Track 24-20Pediatric Bleeding Disorders
- Track 24-21Pediatric Osteosarcoma
Pediatric Endocrinology is concerned about the disorders related to the dysfunction of hormones and glands which results in problems of growth, puberty and diabetes. Endocrine glands, such as pituitary gland releases hormones into the bloodstream which decides how a child grows and mature. Pediatric endocrinology deals with hormone disorders at all stages of childhood. Hormones show significant effects on child’s physical activity, emotional well-being and sexual development. Other few conditions are diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, growth concerns, amenorrhea, gender dysphoria, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, thyroid disorders, turner syndrome etc. type 1 diabetes in children is also known as juvenile diabetes in which the child’s body stops producing insulin hormone.
- Track 25-1Pediatrics Diabetes insipidus
- Track 25-2Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome
- Track 25-3Pediatrics Growth Hormone Deficiency
- Track 25-4Diabetes in Children
- Track 25-5Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
- Track 25-6Ambiguous genitals/intersex
Breastfeeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth and that infants should exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months; complementary foods should then be introduced, with continued breastfeeding until 24 months of age or older
Feeding of infants and youthful kids with milk from a lady's breast is nursing or otherwise called Breast Feeding. Health experts recommend that breastfeeding start inside the major hour of an infant's life and proceed as repeatedly and as much as the child needs. During the initial couple of weeks of life children may nurture generally every a few hours.
Breastfeeding is one among the foundations of Pediatric health, development and survival. It is especially important where diarrhea, pneumonia and under nutrition are common causes of mortality in children under 5 years of age. Breastfeeding also helps to reduce overweight and obesity and protects maternal health in all parts of the world.
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- Track 26-1Bottle Feeding
- Track 26-2Parenting and Pediatric Health
- Track 26-3HIV and Infant Feeding
Pediatric essential medicinal services incorporates wellbeing administration and preventive direction; observing physical growth and development; age-appropriate screening; diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic sicknesses; Management of genuine and life threatening diseases in pediatrics. A primary care doctor is normally the first medical physician reached by a patient on account of reasons, for example, eases of communication, available area, and progressively issues of cost and care requirements.
- Track 27-1Pediatric Trauma
- Track 27-2Pediatric Emergencies
- Track 27-3NICU
- Track 27-4Pediatric Critical Care
Pediatric nursing is the clinical health care of neonates and children up to the stage of adolescence. The role of pediatric nurse is to conduct procedures and providing medicines according to the prescribed nursing care plans and assessing them continuously. Neonatal nursing is a branch of health care which mainly focuses on nursing newly born babies who were born prematurely, with defects, infections, deformities etc. Pediatric emergency nursing is a branch of pediatric nursing which has fast mobility and quick response in emergency situations such as stabilizing patients with focused care, quickly diagnosing conditions and coming up with on-spot solutions, providing right medicines at the right time.Neonatal nursing is a subspecialty of nursing that works for newborn infants up to 28 days after birth. Babies are born with a variety of problems ranging from prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac malformations, and surgical problems. Neonatal nursing generally includes care for those infants who experience both long-term problems related to their prematurity or illness before or after birth and neonatal nurses treat sick newborns until they are discharged from the hospital, even if that takes several months.The role of pediatric nurse is to conduct procedures and providing medicines according to the prescribed nursing care plans and assessing them continuously. Neonatal nursing is a branch of health care which mainly focuses on nursing newly born babies who were born prematurely, with defects, infections, deformities etc. Pediatric emergency nursing is a branch of pediatric nursing which has fast mobility and quick response in emergency situations such as stabilizing patients with focused care, quickly diagnosing conditions and coming up with on-spot solutions, providing right medicines at the right time.
- Track 28-1Nursing intensity
- Track 28-2Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO Baby)
- Track 28-3Pediatric Emergency Nursing
- Track 28-4Pediatric Cardiac catheterization
- Track 28-5Palliative Pediatric Nursing
- Track 28-6Neurosurgical nursing
- Track 28-7Nursing management
- Track 28-8Critical care nursing
- Track 28-9Clinical Nursing practice
- Track 28-10Antibiotic time
- Track 28-11Clinical Nursing
- Track 28-12Complex medical conditions
- Track 28-13Fundamental Nursing
- Track 28-14Community and Home Health Nursing
- Track 28-15Pediatric and Maternal Nursing
- Track 28-16Pediatric Psychiatric Nursing
- Track 28-17Fundamental Nursing
- Track 28-18Community and Home Health Nursing
- Track 28-19Pediatric and Maternal Nursing
- Track 28-20Pediatric Psychiatric Nursing
Nutrition in first 1000 days life is essential for the immune system development and wellbeing of the child. Pediatric obesity is a predominant nutritional disorder in children and adolescents worldwide mainly in developed countries. Childhood obesity leads to many other health problems in children such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, liver and kidney diseases. There are different factors responsible for the cause of obesity in childrensuch as eating habits, genetics, Hormonal causes, environment, metabolism, and lifestyle. Ideal nutrition in babies is the foundation of wellbeing in later life. Based on the displayed medical advantages of human drain, breastfeeding must be the essential methods for diet for generally newborn children. Although many mothers come across a few issues with breastfeeding, health experts can utilize basic systems to overcome a large portion of these issues. Gastroesophageal Reflux is a distinctive nourishing related instance and happens in many newborn children, it is a part of usual physiology and requires no mediation.
- Track 29-1Infant and Newborn Nutrition
- Track 29-2Infant Formula
- Track 29-3Feto Placental Nutrition
- Track 29-4Proteins and Grains
- Track 29-5Essential Vitamins and Minerals
- Track 29-6Micronutrients and Macronutrients
- Track 29-7Problems with Vitamin D
- Track 29-8Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism
- Track 29-9Celiac Disease
- Track 29-10Constipation
- Track 29-11Biliary Atresia
- Track 29-12Infant Colic
- Track 29-13Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolis
- Track 29-14Mal Nutrition and Vitamin Deficiencies
This specialization concerns about the children with infectious, immunological and allergic disorders and deals with acute and chronic presentations of diseases. These infections are interlinked to the immune system. If the child is suffering from allergies, his/her immune system reacts incorrectly to things which are even harmless. Few examples of such infections are thrush, sinusitis, pneumonia and abscesses which keep coming back. General treatment is provided for the following conditions such as asthma, hay fever, atopic dermatitis, chronic cough, vocal cord dysfunction, recurrent infection, eczema, hives, severe reactions to insects, foods and medications etc.
- Track 30-1Asthma
- Track 30-2Anaphylaxis
- Track 30-3Hives
- Track 30-4Medication
Allergy and asthma is the most common among the health effects that occur in children. Some of the common allergies observed in children are food allergies, hay fever, sneezing, cough, itching, nausea, stomach ache, fatigue, and headache. Allergies can be controlled by medical treatment and through early immunizations. Initial injection of vaccines and continuation up to 3-5 years will help to increase immunity against different allergies in Pediatrics.
- Track 31-1Immunotherapy
- Track 31-2Hay Fever
- Track 31-3Therapies
pharmacodynamics properties of a product pertaining to dose selection and individualization. This guidance and approach help in obtaining the considerations for conducting studies so that the accurate dosing and information for drugs and biologic products in
- Track 32-1Pharmacogenetics
- Track 32-2Pharmacometrics
- Track 32-3Pharmacology
- Track 32-4Pharmacodynamics
- Track 32-5Oral Drug Absorption
- Track 32-6Drug Distribution
- Track 32-7Pediatric Drug Dosage
- Track 32-8Pharmacokinetics
Pediatric Dentistry is all about the oral health of children from infancy to early adulthood. The term oral health includes teeth, gums, mouth throughout several stages of childhood. If early dental problems are not cured, they may cause lifetime pain and complications. Services provided by pediatric dentist include fluoride treatment, athletic mouth guards, space maintainers and fillings. Infected baby teeth can damage child’s adult teeth developing below them. Decay free primary teeth are very important to create a healthy environment for child’s permanent teeth which reduces the chance of tooth decay.
- Track 33-1Amelogenisis Imperfect
- Track 33-2Dental Anomalies
- Track 33-3Orthodontics
- Track 33-4Prosthodontics
- Track 33-5Pediatrics Diagnose surgery
- Track 33-6Diagnosis and Pediatrics Dentistry Treatment
Pediatric dermatology is mainly concerned about skin disorders or conditions such as eczema, warts, hemangiomas, cutaneous melanoma, cutaneous leishmaniosis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, vitiligo, hives, genetic skin disorders, ringworm and skin cancer. It also includes few minor surgical procedures such as skin biopsies, surgical removal of skin lesions and laser treatment of vascular birthmarks. Many childhood disorders such as infantile hemangioma blood vessel growths are not seen in adults and common conditions such as psoriasis have unique symptoms in children unlike adults.
- Track 34-1Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
- Track 34-2Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
- Track 34-3Cutaneous Melanoma
- Track 34-4Fungal Infections
- Track 34-5Skin Ailments
- Track 34-6